Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Thin Blue Line

 I am SO excited about this quilt top!

I've been sewing and quilting for awhile now...and while I love it, I hadn't quite found my niche. That thing that just made me really happy. I had been praying for direction...and God is faithful to give generously. :o)  

After the Boston Marathon Bombings I saw a couple pictures on the internet. One was of a group of National Guardsmen crossing the finish line in full uniform and ruck. The bomb went off just after  that and the second picture was them rushing right back to help the victims. I thanked God for our I often do. We, as a family, are very grateful to all who serve...those in the military, as well as those here at home in the police, fire and rescue. :o)  The police especially are near and dear to me. 

And all of a sudden I knew exactly what I was supposed to do! :o)  There are a few things I love...Babies, especially fresh ones...our Defenders and their service...and creating things. And so I created my first Thin Blue Line quilt top in honor of all the Law Enforcement Officers who go to work each day, leaving their families, unsure of what their days may hold. There is just a thin blue line that separates then evil from the rest of us...pray for them today! :o)

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