Monday, May 13, 2013

Luv U a Ton Baby Apron

I have been busy busy lately...which isn't anything too new...but our internet has been giving me a fit, so I haven't been able to get here in over a week. Any time we get a little rain, the phone and internet act up. I've spent days of my life on hold with Verizon and tech support. It just is what it is. BUT, the lack of computer time has left me with more sewing maybe not such a bad thing after all ;) And we've got more than four inches of rain soaked into the farmers fields...again...not a bad thing. :)

This is one of the things I whipped together. I have a very special little girl that lives much too far away from me. Her parents are pretty great too..and although we're not "technically" family, I've been made an Auntie. :-D I love the family that God blesses us with...just love them! And so when I went to JoAnns and found this pink elephant fabric that said Luv u a ton...I just knew it had to be made into something for my princess! :-D 

I hit idea gathering place...and found a cute apron called a "Bapron" and all the links said "free pattern"...great! It's like a bib and an apron, it covers, but it also slips over the arms so it can't be whipped around or off. When I got to the link though the person who had designed it no longer offered the pattern for free...she wanted $6 for it. :/ Well I'm cheap, and so I took a look at it, grabbed my box of wax paper...and got to cutting. A few attempts later...and this is what I have. :o) Thankfully I have a very cute neighbor who happens to be just about the same size as my across the street I went with my tape measurer...and in an hour I had the first prototype stitched up. I had to make a few minor adjustments...but he seemed to like I made another nicer one for him. A modeling fee we called it. lol And then I got to work on this one. 

Because the bib is bound in bias tape, it's reversible...which is great! Here's the back of it...


On this one I used a cotton batting to make sure it was more absorbent, and then quilted it with a wandering heart pattern using my hopping foot and some free motion quilting. 

So a box will be going out soon...and hopefully the sweet little princess will like it. :o) 

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