Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Busy Busy Busy

Yes, it's been too long...I'm sorry.

Lots has been going on here...more than I would have ever thought! After putting my first Thin Blue Line quilt in progress on Pinterest, and after listing it on Etsy...I thought "that's nice, about ten people seem to like it..." It sat on Etsy for about a month and a half...and it would get some looks...but that was it. And then one day...one day I got an email, and then another, and the next day another...and the quilt sold...and I got more emails, and then I got a couple more emails asking if I'd make another...Speechless and Thrilled and Grateful are the best words to describe it all. :-D I've made quite a few Thin Blue Line quilts now that have made their way all over this great country. I've absolutely loved working with people to create new variations...these are a couple of my favorites. The State Trooper quilt was a real challenge and joy to make. I love the way it turned out!! Another customer asked for the name to be put on the bottom in a "manly elegant" font...and it looked great! I loved the simplicity of it and the classy look!

I never quite expected all of the interest and orders though...and so it's taken just a little bit of time to learn to juggle things around here and get things out on time. I think I've finally got things juggling though...time to get back into my regular groove :-D

Along with the Thin Blue Line quilts, I've also done several table runners, some great zippered wristlets, and the important things...like mending my baby's favorite bunny when she was injured. :o)

I'll be making some more changes to the blog in the near future...planning to expand it into other areas as well. I'll be back soon...promise :o)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Baby Girl Patchwork Blanket Top

How fun would Tummy Time had been for my girls had I known how to quilt when they were little?! The pattern for this quilt was one I had seen on a Missouri Star tutorial called Double Slice using a layer cake.  Well the cheapskate in me just can't bring myself to pay for layer cakes. I do love the selection of fabrics and how they all coordinate...but I don't love how much more you pay. Fabric is NOT cheap, and so paying for convenience just seems wrong to me. (Now if we had lots of money...I'd totally pay for it! But we don't...so this is one of those places I draw a line)

Layer cakes are simply 10 inch square fabrics bundled together...and so I went to my stash and found 20 different fabrics, all bright and colorful...and cut them each to 10 inches square. :o) It was a great stash buster, and really didn't take very long. 

The Double Slice pattern is relatively quick, great for a last minute gift. The longest part of the process besides choosing the 20 fabrics to go together...was laying them all out and deciding how they would work in the quilt. I decided that was a perfect job for my 17 year old daughter...I gave her the stack, said have fun, and then she laid them all out and I finished sewing the blocks together. The goal was to get the colors spread out throughout the quilt and try not to have too many like colors next to each other. 

I'm going to line the back of it with fleece...I'm not sure which color yet, I'm leaning towards purple though. I'll be listing it on Etsy as soon as it's finished...although I was also thinking of listing it now and offering it with the option to be personalized with a name. The colors are so bright I think a name in white especially would show up well and look nice. What do you think??

Luv U a Ton Baby Apron

I have been busy busy lately...which isn't anything too new...but our internet has been giving me a fit, so I haven't been able to get here in over a week. Any time we get a little rain, the phone and internet act up. I've spent days of my life on hold with Verizon and tech support. It just is what it is. BUT, the lack of computer time has left me with more sewing time...so maybe not such a bad thing after all ;) And we've got more than four inches of rain soaked into the farmers fields...again...not a bad thing. :)

This is one of the things I whipped together. I have a very special little girl that lives much too far away from me. Her parents are pretty great too..and although we're not "technically" family, I've been made an Auntie. :-D I love the family that God blesses us with...just love them! And so when I went to JoAnns and found this pink elephant fabric that said Luv u a ton...I just knew it had to be made into something for my princess! :-D 

I hit pinterest...my idea gathering place...and found a cute apron called a "Bapron" and all the links said "free pattern"...great! It's like a bib and an apron, it covers, but it also slips over the arms so it can't be whipped around or off. When I got to the link though the person who had designed it no longer offered the pattern for free...she wanted $6 for it. :/ Well I'm cheap, and so I took a look at it, grabbed my box of wax paper...and got to cutting. A few attempts later...and this is what I have. :o) Thankfully I have a very cute neighbor who happens to be just about the same size as my princess...so across the street I went with my tape measurer...and in an hour I had the first prototype stitched up. I had to make a few minor adjustments...but he seemed to like it...so I made another nicer one for him. A modeling fee we called it. lol And then I got to work on this one. 

Because the bib is bound in bias tape, it's reversible...which is great! Here's the back of it...


On this one I used a cotton batting to make sure it was more absorbent, and then quilted it with a wandering heart pattern using my hopping foot and some free motion quilting. 

So a box will be going out soon...and hopefully the sweet little princess will like it. :o) 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Patches the Pirate Puppy

This weekend is a birthday party for a super sweet little boy who is turning 2 :o) I wanted to make him something special...and something no one else would be bringing to the party. The back story is we had gone to a birthday party and the child opened up toy after toy and half of them seemed to be the same thing...the parents were going to be exchanging quite a few things. So I decided then to try and only give handmade gifts. I know when the kids rip open their presents that they're not going to be quite as excited about what I give...I mean there's never any bells or whistles, nothing beeps or flashes at them...I get that. But I trust that eventually after a lot of the other things have broken or the batteries have died, that then they'll pick up what I give them and enjoy it. :o) 

So this little boy is a big fan of pirates...and I know parrots are the usual pirate pal...but I thought a pirate puppy would be awfully cute too. Hopefully he will too! :o)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring in Dublin Table Runner For Sale

I am so in love with this table runner! I named it Summer in Dublin because I also love Ireland. Dublin is a big city, lots of gray and concrete...lots of gray rainy days. But then spring comes...and there's tiny bits of yellow that start to pop out. :o) 

Can you see those little bits of yellow?

I quilted the runner in 100% cotton, and used a 100% cotton batting as well. Then I free motion quilted it with an all over stipple pattern. I have been so in love with that squished up puckered look on quilts...that's just one of those things it's hard for the store bought imports to copy. I've seen a few of them in the real high end stores...but you're paying hundreds for theirs too...and there's a reason for that. ;o) 

You can see here a little more of that yellow that says "spring is coming." :o) And more of the crinkled puckers. 

 You can see a little better the over all puckered pattern the 
stipling gives the quilt.

 This table runner is available in my Etsy store  Here

Flying North Mug Rug

Between bigger projects I like to whip something little up...a little instant gratification ;o) I also happened to get a new ruler to help make flying geese which I'm considering for a bigger project in the future...and so the Flying North Mug Rug was born. A mug rug is really an oversized coaster, or a small placemat...I'm not sure which. lol But it's the perfect size for a cup of coffee or tea and a cookie or muffin. It's spring here, and we've seen quite a few geese heading north as the weather warms up. In the fall I love to see them come...but by the time winter is over, I'm even happier to see them go! lol 




Friday, April 26, 2013

Thin Blue Line Quilt For Sale

I am SO excited to finally be able to offer this quilt for sale!! I love being able to combine my passions...thanking and honoring our Defenders, and quilting! :-D

The quilt is 56x46 inches. The front is pieced with 5 different black print cotton fabrics and a solid blue cotton. The back is blue Anti-Pill fleece. This means that the quilt is warm and soft, easy machine wash and tumble dry...and the Anti-pill keeps it looking nice, not old sweat shirts after a few washings ;o)  The binding is black solid cotton and is machine stitched for durability. The entire quilt is made to last a lifetime. Every bit of it was made by me...from picking the fabrics, to making and ironing binding before sewing it on.

I am the daughter of a LEO (Law Enforcement Officer)...and so when inspiration struck and I knew I was to make quilts to honor our Defenders, I had to start with those nearest and dearest to my heart. :o)  I remember well the swing shifts changing every 28 days, the missed programs at school, the New Years and holidays that we were never all together...and of course the constant thought of just the sheer danger of the job in the back of all our minds. I'm not sure it can be understood unless you are part of the LEO family...we're just a bit different. ;o) But VERY proud! And we should be...it's an honorable job that gets very little respect from others, and we all know no one does it for the pay. lol I am so thankful to be a LEOD!! :-D

And with that, I also understand the safety and privacy issues that come with the job. I assure you that when you purchase, your information is kept private and secure! All of your information will be seen by only me, for this purpose only, never sold or shared in ANY way. Packaging will be a large plain bag.

Cost is $125 for the quilt. Shipping will be the exact price of the packaging materials and the cost of postage, the quilt weighs two pounds. If I overcharge you, then I will refund the difference if it is $1 or more.

Also, if you send me a patch, I will sew it in the center of the thin blue line for NO charge...just the stamp to send it to me. :o) If you'd like another quilt more personalized with badge numbers, patches, etc...I'd love to work with you to design your own quilt! Just leave me a comment or send me an email at PinkElephantQuilts@gmail.com :o)

Thank you for taking a look, and if you are a LEO, or the family of one, thank you for your service!